Wednesday, April 11, 2012

A Dead Word

We rarely think of a word being "dead". Sure there are dead languages, traditions, societies, cultures, people, and so forth. But what is a dead word? I define a dead word as one whose meaning, value, or proper use has been lost from day to day life. With that definition I am sure you can think of a few words that meet the criteria. That is the way it is supposed to be. The world we live in is rapidly changing and so are the values we share. I could speak on all the different words that are now dead or dying, but I want to focus on one in particular. The word is: Honor. 

The word Honor as defined by the dictionary is: "honesty, fairness, or integrity in one's beliefs and actions". I think this is a good foundation for what the word means. To me a person's honor is not just their honest, fair, upstanding actions. But it is also the motivation behind it. Doing the right or honest thing is good, don't get me wrong. I am forced however, to think on why the person did it in the first place. 

A person's honor rests upon their conscience. I do not believe one can say they have honor if they do what is needed with a downcast face or trouble stirring in their hearts. This makes them obedient and a servant but an ungrateful one. Honor means having integrity in your actions but also being content and being grateful for the opportunity. 

Another facet of honor is your willingness to sacrifice. Sometimes the right and honorable choice is going to cost. Not every choice is free and requires nothing lost. But honor is what drives us to do what is right regardless of the cost. If we do what is right and honorable only when it is of little or no cost we have tarnished our honor by choosing the easy road. If, however, when the time comes we stand and hold to our beliefs and do the right thing even if it costs us greatly, then we have honored not only ourselves, but everyone involved. 

The reason this word is dying is because the value of honor in today's society is not the same. Who needs honor when I can just cut corners and get there anyway? Why should I treat that young lady or young man with honor and respect if it's not gonna get me what I want? Why should I care about honoring the rules my boss has set down at work? Its not that big of a deal. The problem with all of these examples is the word "I". In every instance honor is being forsaken for the self centered desires of the individual. They will destroy their honor, their values, and much more only so they can have/do what they want. This is the key reason why honor is dead or dying in culture today. Everyone is so focused on self, and the desires of number 1 that they will dishonor their name and anything else to get what they want. 

In the end, I closely tie honor to joyful service of another. The most honorable actions I can remember are when I served another even if it cost me. I have sometimes forsaken my honor because I was blinded by selfishness and only wanted what I thought I was entitled. Nothing is harder than having to go backwards and pay the consequences for the lack of honor. But that is how you begin to regain what you sacrificed. When you know you've done wrong and sacrificed your honor, don't just let it go. Return and make right the selfish wrong. Set even the balances by humbling and giving of yourself to make it right. This is an insane line of thought to many, but nothing is worth sacrificing your honor and who knows what else to get it. 

We all make mistakes and we all choose self over others sometimes. Do not let it become a pattern of your life. Do not allow the desire for self gratification to smother your honor in greed. Greed and honor can not live together. Self and honor can not live together. Deception and honor can not live together. If you have honor you must remove these and many other things, otherwise they will return and your honor will be forfeit.

Together let us fight for the good, selfless, upright, honorable things of this world and put down the lies of "self worth" and "selfish gratification". 

Aurum in cor hominis dignitas.

In honorem aliud vero sacrificium et obsequium.

Until next time I wish you honor and respect.

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