If you are as much a musical nutcase as I, you will instantly recognize what I am about to share with you. This post shares it's title with one of the compositions from the OST(Original Soundtrack) of "The Last Samurai". You will either immediately know what I am speaking of or you will open a new tab and Google it. Either of which is fine by me :) .
The movie has always struck me as peculiar and complexly simple. It is the story of a U.S. Soldier who is haunted by his past. The only peace he has ever known is at the bottom of a bottle of whiskey when he is too drunk to remember or feel anything. He is hired to "train" the new army of Japan to finish ousting the last of the Samurai from the valleys. Against his recommendations the new conscripts are sent into battle against the Samurai and are utterly destroyed. Our "Captain Algren" is taken captive by the Samurai general who wishes to "Know His Enemy". During his time in the Samurai village, Captain Algren begins to see through new eyes. He mentions in his journal how the people(the Samurai and the villagers) have an unusual way of life:
"They devote themselves entirely to perfecting whatever they pursue. I have never seen such discipline."
Throughout the movie Captain Algren eventually becomes a defender of what he was hired to help destroy. I think about the Christian life as strangely similar. We are born into sin and charged with the destruction of God's people including ourselves. God already knows His enemies(us), but in time we, like Captain Algren, get to know our "enemy", God, and realize we are fighting on the wrong side. Fighting Him is our "way of life" until our minds are freed to the truth. And while we can never reach perfection, we as new Christians devote ourselves to pursuing it. Though never a finished process and we make mistakes along the way we keep trying. Throughout the new life as a Christian our "way of life" has made a 180 and we are now fighting on the side of our former enemy.
Our lives were spared by the mercy of our enemy(God) and He paid a high price for our lives. In time and through His teaching we see our position as completely helpless and at His mercy. We learn the ways of the enemy by being in His company and that of His followers. Time shows us that we are fighting on the wrong side and defending a way of life that is self serving and blind to anything but it's own gratification. Soon we are fighting for God and leading others in our new-found "way of life". I know this whole analogy is a bit of a stretch but there is some interesting symbolism. The movie itself is good and has a great story. The content is not that bad (PG-13 I think) and I suggest you watch it if you have not yet done so (its from 2003). The site background music is the Soundtrack from the movie called "A Way Of Life" so enjoy!
Until Next Time (which may be tonight so keep a sharp eye out).
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