Sunday, April 8, 2012

Fixing By Breaking

Are you a fixer? I am a fixer. I love to fix anything. If its broke you can bet I'm gonna look for a way to mend it. I have come to realize however, that sometimes the only way to fix something is to break it. A cheesy analogy would be a fine horse. Taken from the wild it is aggressive, uncontrollable, and overall worthless. But with time, discipline, and worthy effort from the trainer's hand, the beast is broken. The purpose for the animal has been "fixed" by breaking it's former habits. The same goes for people.

My character has been shaped and molded based on different instances of breaking down. I think with safe estimation I can say EVERY part of me has been formed by some experience where something had to break. Most times it would be a part of me that broke. But in it's place another part of me was fixed and built. This is a lifelong process and sadly we never know when the next "break" is going to come.

The real problem is preventing a break from becoming bigger. When the trials and trouble come and we break down the danger is letting the break become a bigger problem that will return later. We must
take charge of what happens and act quickly to prevent a recurrence.

Just a matter of opinion really, but I think if you don't allow, whether by your choice or another's, the breaks to occur you never really grow. There are people in this world that can fix a break for you. I encourage you to not use their methods. The weak point is never addressed by you and consequently you never learn. The same break will return with a vengeance and the "fixer" may not be able to help anymore.

There is a reason they are called "your problems". They are designed to try you, to test your worth, and remove your weakness. If others fight the battle, the experience of inner conflict is not yours. How can you defend your keep, your soul, if you have no experience? The enemy is pounding at your gates seeking to utterly destroy you. Without experience, the gates protecting the soul of your character will fail. Your life will be corrupted and everything that was once stable will crumble. So I charge you now stand strong. Yes, you may suffer defeat. It is possible you may suffer many defeats, but victory will be yours eventually. Giving up is the worst mistake you can make.

I leave you now with a quote and the desire to see you return here again!

"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." - Thomas A. Edison

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